Factors to Consider While Ranking Private High Schools in the Tampa in 2021

The private highs schools Tampa are ranked on the basis of a thorough analysis of main statistics and the reviews of millions of parents and students. The factors used for ranking schools include scores of SAT/ACT, student-teacher ratio, ratings of south Tampa prep private schools, and the quality of colleges considered by students, etc. They also use the data collected directly from niche users, schools, and the Department of Education of the US.

The factors used for ranking the private high schools in Tampa include:

  • The composite score of SAT/ACT includes the average scores of the SAT/ACT provided by Niche users of the concerned school. The weight of these scores in ranking the school is 30.0%.
  • A score of Top Colleges includes the usual score of colleges in which most of the students are interested to attend. This score is based on the ranking of Best Niche Colleges. This score is submitted by a Niche user the weight of this score in ranking the school is 25.0%.
  • Enrolment in College includes the percentage of senior students who go to college for four-year. This enrolment is based on the statistics of the National Center for Education. The weight of this factor in the ranking of the school is 15.0%.
  • Grade of Diversity & Culture is based on the economic and racial diversity and responses of the survey on the diversity and culture of the school from the parents and students. This grade is got through multiple sources. The weight of this factor in the ranking of a school is 10.0%.
  • Surveys on the Overall Experience of student/parent include the responses of the Niche survey about the general experience of parents and students from the school. These surveys are scored on a scale of 1-5. It is submitted directly by Niche users. The weight of this factor in the ranking of the school is 10.0%.
  • The ratio of Student-Teacher includes the ratio of permanent teachers to students but it is not based on the average size of the class. This ratio is derived from the statistics of the National Center for Education. The weight of this factor in ranking a school is 10.0%.

In this way, the ranking of high schools is calculated in Tampa. But in the case of ranking the private high schools in Tampa the data got from the Education Department can be updated by private schools directly through the accounts of their Niche Partners as they are not required to report to the Education Department. You should ask your school if you want to renew your data while working for a private school. The statistics collected from the Department of Education, US shows the data most recently available as submitted by the schools themselves.

While producing the Grade of Overall Niche for each ranked as well as other schools the same method is used.

Thus by following the process of ranking the best high schools in Tampa bay area discussed in this write-up, private high schools in Tampa can also be ranked to find the best schools in the Tampa area in 2021. The schools are ranked on the basis of thesouth tampa prep,
best private middle school in Tampa,
best high schools in tampa bay area, information collected through various sources.

Contact US:

Tampa Preparatory School
Address: 727 W Cass St, Tampa, Florida
Phone: (813) 251-8481

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